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Sometimes I feel all alone... I get

so sick and tired of the way I get treated!

I was just mucking around!

What's the big deal? He just can't

take a joke. Kids used to joke around

with me all the time! 

It's good to think put ourselves in the other

person's shoes if  we don't understand why someone is getting upset.   Sometimes  we think we are joking,

but to the other person it is hurtful.

If someone is giving you a hard time,  talking to an adult about it is a great step to take. Sometimes it is also good to take a step back and see  how we can respond effectively - maybe  not reacting is good for boys who are provoking you.

An ongoing misuse of  power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm.

Single incidents and conflicts or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.

What is bullying?
Primary School
Here you will find information on bullying and how to respond to it.
kids health.png
It is sometimes hard to know what to do in different situations. On this page you can learn some strategies to help you deal with bullies. 
Secondary School
This will help you to make informed responses to bullying and harassment in the school environment.
This will take you directly to the bullying section of Headspace, which explains what it is and what to do for yourself or for a friend.
Young Minds is a UK based website that has some awesome information and resources.
Secondary School
This will help you to make informed responses to bullying and harassment in the school environment.
This will take you directly to the bullying section of Headspace, which explains what it is and what to do for yourself or for a friend.
Young Minds is a UK based website that has some awesome information and resources.
Secondary School
This will help you to make informed responses to bullying and harassment in the school environment.
This will take you directly to the bullying section of Headspace, which explains what it is and what to do for yourself or for a friend.
Young Minds is a UK based website that has some awesome information and resources.
Thanks to Stacey Martin and her Summer Stem Club from Lyndhurst for this awesome Website suggestion. Great resources and ideas for everyone about Bullying.

Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying of any form or for any reason can have long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders.

It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more persons.

Click on the logos below for more information

Read this booklet if someone has been nasty to you on purpose and you want some guidance on what to do. 
Take a Stand Together
This app includes the topics: 
*  What should I do?
*  Facts about bullying
* What to do if you are being
called a bully, are being bullied or know someone who is being bullied. 

© Christian Brothers' High School Lewisham

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