Below are a few links to reputable sites that have put together to help you not only as a parent but also as an adult working there way through what is going on around them. There are a number of websites available and a number of people offering "expert" advice - we all need to be very careful not to become overwhelmed and read too much. We will continue to share things via the parenting blog that you can access from our main parent page of this site. Please also find emergency service numbers and other services you can access from our main page as well. Take care of each other.
Bought to us by Relationships Australia, Time 2 Talk is a free telephone support service for people who want to discuss arange of COVID-19 related challenges relating to individuals, couples, families and households. This service is staffed by professional relationship counsellors and social workers.
Talking to our teenagers is hard at the best of times. This link has some helpful hints to help you support your teens in this difficult time of social distancing, off campus learning and study stress.
Some practical and factual information about coronavirus.
Talking to kids about the scary messages we are receiving from the news and social media - this video gives us some tips on how we can do this.
Some expert tips in managing our response to the coronavirus pandemic
Beyond Blue recognises and understands the feelings of anxiety, distress and concern many people may be experiencing in relation to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and offers some great wellbeing advice.
The 10 keys to happier living
A general video about how to talk to children about traumatic events or disasters.
A very specific cartoon video directed at young people about Coronavirus - very informative but direct - suggest that you sit and watch it with the younger students.
Advice from an NYC Psychologist about what we are all going through at the moment

Advice from an NYC Psychologist about what we are all going through at the moment