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Welcome to our Blog that is going to keep you informed and up to date with things we feel you need to know about whilst the school is in Off-Campus Learning mode. Check back regularly as we will continue to add information, activities and links to help you look after yourself and look out for families and friends as well.

Check out the link below for some positive strategies you can all implement.

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Kindness Amid the Chaos

In times like these it can be easy, really really easy, to focus on the chaos. It can feel like we are surrounded by chaos and I guess we are ….… the media does an excellent job of feeding us an unlimited amount of drama and negativity. Lately we have been inundated with horrifying images and devastating stories. It leaves us feeling lost, sad, helpless, confused and so much more. I don’t know about you but I am sick of feeling this way!

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Off-Campus Learning

So… the moment is here. We’ve talked about it and we are ready for it. This week we commence Off-Campus Learning.

Click on the link below to take you to Google Classroom where you can join the "Student Blog" class and read more about what this means for all of us .... and it is not just about school work. 

The Classroom Code you will need to join this class is 4lmwjec

© Christian Brothers' High School Lewisham

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