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I'm never going to get all this work done.
What if I get to school and haven't done it all?
I'm going to get in so much trouble!

Stress can sometimes get the better of us. Taking a
step back and talking through it can help.

Worrying about the past or the future can cause lots of stress. Try to think about yourself in the moment and the best things you can do.
Click on the logos below for more information
Secondary School
Headspace has information on anxiety, the symptoms, the different types of anxiety, helping people with anxiety and getting help for yourself.
Click here to read about the signs and symptoms of anxiety, treatment and support and to take an anxiety checklist.
An interactive page that includes topics such as Anxiety 101, facing fears, thinking right, how to chill, healthy habits, common problems. It also includes videos on a range of different facets of anxiety.
The BRAVE program is an online program that provides teenagers and their parents with information and skills to help cope with worries and anxiety.
Read this for some extra information on the different ways anxiety can be present and for informative fact sheets.
Primary School
Explore these pages for some easy-to-follow coping strategies and for some information on phobias.
The BRAVE Program is a fun, online program that will help you learn ways of coping better with your worries.
Part of a series called 'Brainsmart' by the BBC, this video explains the fight or flight response and managing stress.
Created by UWE, Bristol, 'Self-Help Anxiety Management (SAM)' will help you to understand what causes your anxiety, monitor your anxious thoughts and behaviour over time and manage your anxiety through self-help exercises and private reflection.
This app 'What's Up?' (not 'Whatsapp'), has information, activities, a positive and negative habit diary and many other useful features to help you battle negative thoughts.
'Headspace: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness' helps you train your mind for a healthier, happier and more enjoyable life.
MindShift will help you learn how to relax, develop more helpful ways of thinking, and identify active steps that will help you take charge of your anxiety.
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