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I'd rather play games than see my

friends. Even if I'm tired at school, who cares!  Everyone plays and that's what we talk about at school.

If gaming is interfering  with concentration at school, it might be good to have a look at the time you are dedicating to  it . Maybe you can approach it in a more balanced way?

I always check my phone, but so does everyone else. What's so wrong about that? You wouldn't get it because you didn't have them at school! You can't be dog and not reply. 

It's important  to share common interests with our friends, but we have to take care of ourselves too.  With a bit of  organisation, we can fit in  gaming with studies and  other commitments.

Click on the logos below for more information

Read this article to understand more about internet gaming addiction and why some people become addicted.
This article discusses the time spent on screens and the importance of a balance.
Worried that your online gaming is becoming a problem? Here’s what you need to know about gaming addiction.
This site has information on internet addiction and self-help strategies.
GAIR will help you recognize signs of a game addiction. You can effectively assess yourself by using the App Store's first standardized psychometric tool to assess Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD)
This app keeps track of how much you use your iPhone or iPad each day. 

© Christian Brothers' High School Lewisham

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