From the desk of Ms Liza Adams

I am sure many of you have seen a number of memes going around about parents and homeschooling over the last couple of weeks ….. Some of them are so hilarious and I think that’s because they are so close to the truth we have to laugh. Here is a link for those who have not seen some of them:
One of the things that we need to make really clear from CBHS is that in no way, shape or form is there an expectation that as parents you are now homeschooling. In fact there is a HUGE difference between homeschooling and Off-Campus Learning. In fact, if you were home schooling here is a list of the things that you would be required to do:
Develop units of work based on NSW curriculum
Establish a timetable
Teach the units of work to them
Set assessment tasks
Find resources
Organise excursions
Mark all their work
Give feedback to them

….. And the list goes on. Sooooooo parents, for those who are worried at the moment about “homeschooling” and how you are not coping with teaching Trigonometry to your Year 10 son ….. It’s ok ……. take a breath …... take a step back …….. Move away from the computer …….(Not yet though, finish reading this article first)........ because the GREAT NEWS is CBHS teachers have done all of this …... and then some, for you. The teachers are still checking in on your son and you will be notified if they are not participating, not completing their work, misbehaving etc. as well as being told when they are doing good things too. The teachers are all over it ….we’ve got this!
So what does that mean you need to do:
Check in on them ….. But not every 5 minutes ….. Let them know you are there if they need some help or if they want to ask you something but maybe set a couple of times aside for when you can do this. Remember, if they are not working and they are mucking around or not completing their work, the teachers will let you know.
Ask them how they are going? This might seem obvious but have you actually asked them this question.
When they say they are struggling ….. You need to find out exactly what with …. Remember these are early days in this way of learning so it is only natural that some people will have teething problems
Are they able to access the Zoom lessons?
Are they in a comfortable setting (or as comfortable as they can be)?
Are they looking at their google classroom?
Are they reading their emails? (Even though the actual Zoom lesson does not start until 9am, they are expected to look over their emails from 8:45am - for some it might be better to do this from 8:30am)
Have they asked their teachers for any help/assistance - what some teachers are doing is teaching explicitly for 10 minutes and then telling the students to do their work on their own BUT the teachers are still there in the Zoom room if any students need to ask a question. I was talking to Mr Woodbury on Wednesday whilst he had the video going for this very reason so it’s definitely happening.
Understand too, that if you notice they are not motivated to complete work that this may be the same as when they are on campus …. BUT If you notice that this is different, they are normally motivated and completing work, then now is a really good time to ask them what is going on …… and do they need to have a chat to their pastoral coordinator, home room teacher or school counsellor.
Make sure they have a downtime as well - I know we are constantly saying to get off social media but this is where this comes into its own - BUT set limits. They need to remain connected and not just in a zoom class. Ask them if they have spoken to anyone today apart from in the classroom setting. Again if you are concerned about this, do not hesitate to let us know. This is a really important part of your son’s wellbeing.
We hope this helps put schooling a little into perspective for you. Don’t stop reaching out and don’t stop asking questions. We have also included at the end of this blog a couple of articles for you to read and some ideas for you as as parents of teens.

Please know that as the CBHS community we are thinking of all of you ….. As much as we have heard this all several times, I think it is more pertinent than ever ….. We are all in this together and we are all here to help each other. Stay safe and look out for each other ….. Encourage your sons to reach out to each other, and especially to those that may be feeling a little more vulnerable than usual at the moment ……… and above all take care of yourself …. Put your own oxygen mask on first.
Until next time
Liza and Liz
