You may have heard of the controversy around Season 1 of the heart-wrenching Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, which is now back for its second installment. For those unaware of the tv programme, Season 1 follows the story of a teenager named Clay Jensen whose friend Hannah Baker committed suicide and left a series of tapes that explain the reasons why she decided to end her life. While it did open up discussions around deeply sensitive topics such as suicide, rape, drugs, sex and violence, the creators of the show received a significant amount of criticism for ignoring advice provided by mental health professionals and for the impact the show could have on a teenager’s mental health. Fortunately after this backlash, it does seem they have taken more necessary precautions for Season 2, however there are still elements of concern that the series could raise for a teenager. If you have any concerns regarding your son/s viewing this programme, I suggest you read the below points and additional resources so you can have an open and calm dialogue about it in your home.
The main points I would like to stress are the following:
● We are all responsible for our own mental health and have the power to make changes within ourselves.
● A School Counsellor is a person your son/s can turn to if in need, without fear of punishment or discipline (the show unfortunately does not accurately portray the figure of a School Counsellor).
● This a dramatised series, meaning it has been developed to engage, shock and entertain its audience. Each person’s journey through mental health is extremely different.
● If your child is under 15 years of age, it is recommended that they do not watch it. However, it is understandable that this can be difficult to monitor. If you get the chance, try to watch the show yourself or read the below resources to prepare yourself for conversations with your son/s around the show’s content.
If the show brings up any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the School Counsellors. If urgent or life threatening, please call:
- Lifeline on 13 11 14
- Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
- Beyondblue: 1300 224 636
Until next time,