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Updated: Apr 28, 2020

From the desk of Mrs Di Chiara

In times like these it can be easy, really really easy, to focus on the chaos. It can feel like we are surrounded by chaos and I guess we are ….… the media does an excellent job of feeding us an unlimited amount of drama and negativity. Lately we have been inundated with horrifying images and devastating stories. It leaves us feeling lost, sad, helpless, confused and so much more. I don’t know about you but I am sick of feeling this way!

So what if we shifted our focus?

This is one of my all time favourite quotes…. Thanks Fred!

Our challenge today is to shift our focus …. Let’s look for the helpers because, as at all other times in history when we have dealt with tragedy, the helpers are always there.

Take a moment to consider the helpers you have noticed lately. Perhaps you have heard about the people who are paying more for their coffee so that they can cover the cost of a drink for a front line worker. Or maybe you’ve read about those who are adding basic items to their own trolleys to give to their elderly neighbours. Or perhaps you have been for a walk and seen the bears people have put in their windows to entertain the local children. Or you’ve seen the signs of thanks kids have been making. I could go on and on, the point is …. kindness is everywhere. We just need to look for it.

I urge you to visit the Facebook page ‘The Kindness Pandemic’. Here you can read about all of the beautiful things that the helpers are doing in our own communities and further away. None of these gestures are huge, but we all know it is the small things that count (unless you are talking about chocolate, in which case I do not want a small piece of chocolate).

Consider this a call to action! Mobilise the troops...although don’t really because we can’t hang out in groups at the moment…. But mobilise via social media (I’ll admit that sometimes social media can be useful!) and see how you, your family and your friends can be the helpers that we so desperately need right now.

Let’s choose kindness over chaos

With the school holidays here (woo hoo!) step away from your devices, shake off the online learning and focus on yourself and your family. Take some time to connect, away from the recent stressors of Off-Campus Learning. Play some board games, go for walks and talk to each other.

And don’t forget, here is the link to 70 Indoor Activities for Teens. Check it out for ideas on how to keep yourself occupied over the next couple of weeks.

If you feel like you need some extra help, check out this page for support….

Until next time…. please take care,

Mrs Di Chiara and Ms Adams

School Counsellors



© Christian Brothers' High School Lewisham

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