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To Drink or Not To Drink

Hi Everyone

Can you believe we are already in Term 4? It feels like yesterday we were welcoming you to the new school year. We hope the year has gone well for you and that you have been able to find support and help when needed. In light of "support and help", I wanted to share an article with you that I recently read from an online source for parenting help called "Exploring Teens" ( I believe this article is important to read for these various reasons. Firstly, I think this topic can be quite divisive and it is important to have this discussion. This article allows for this by highlighting opposing ends of the topic. Secondly, I really like this resource as a whole. I do not always agree with what it is suggesting - but more often than not I do - but what it does is present topics that get me thinking. Once you finished reading the article I have presented, think about looking at some of the other resources that it offers.

Once again, if there are any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact either Alessandro or myself here at CBHS.

Have a good weekend.




© Christian Brothers' High School Lewisham

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