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Welcome Back

Transition Time

A huge welcome back to the 2019 school year and a very warm welcome to those new families who are joining us at CBHS.

We hope this time of transition has been smooth and relatively drama free…. But if it hasn’t?

Glad you asked….transitions can be tricky. Some of our boys are joining us for the first time in Year 5 and this is a big step. For most, they will have joined us from a much smaller primary school and might be finding the sheer size (not to mention noise!) of our school a little (or a lot) overwhelming. We have boys joining us for the first time in Year 7, an equally big step. These boys may be finding it difficult to navigate around the school, whilst also trying to form new friendships. And of course we also have boys joining us from other year levels who are also trying to find their place and make new mates.

If you are looking for some more information regarding the transition to a new school or school year, you may find this interview, “Supporting the Transition to High School, sourced from Kids Matter, helpful and possibly even reassuring.


In the article, Nick Clarke, the Dean of Student Wellbeing at St Kevin’s College, discusses things that can cause difficulty with transitions, such as the increased need to be organised (am I the only one who still needs to remind my son to have his diary signed every night?!?). He also shares some strategies for ways we can support our small people as well as ways we can look after the well-being of our family. In case you are looking for more information regarding all things kids, Kids Matter has some terrific resources!

We look forward to a terrific year, full of laughter, learning and happiness.

We are available should you have any questions or comments, or simply want to check in with us regarding your son.

Until next time….

Liz and Liza

School Counsellors



© Christian Brothers' High School Lewisham

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